onsdag 29 april 2009


Edwin is completely toilet-trained when it comes to number 1. Number 2 however, it is nappy on and stand in a corner. We are now in practice to use the toilet/potty and so far has had 1 successfull event. This is Edwin with his reward afterwards. (We did not let him finish it!!!!)

tisdag 28 april 2009

Du äällskar mig! / You looove me!

The other day Edwin declared: you loove me!

Guilty as charged.

New family member

onsdag 22 april 2009

måndag 20 april 2009

Birthday Party!

Had a small b-day party for Edwin on Saturday with 2 of his friends.

The weather was excellent so we spent most of the afternoon on the deck with a BBQ in the evening. The kids like the "fish-pond" the best. See Edwin fishing in the photos.

fredag 10 april 2009

Good friday.....not for Edwin!

The day could have started better for the little man.
We woke up to a loud bang and him screaming. Turned out he had tried to climb up his chest of drawers by pulling out the bottom drawers and it all collapesed over him. LUCKILY it did not fall all the way over him, the bottom drawer stopped the complete fall. But he hurt his foot and got a real fright....and so did we.

He is now off with Stuart to the airport to pick up farfar Tim. He has been looking forward to this for a long time :-)

tisdag 7 april 2009

The birthday race begins......

First out of the April birthdays is Stuart. Edwin and I was up early, ready with a biscuit with a candle in it, presents and the camera. Unfortunately we found out the camera is broken so no pictures of the morning celebration. Instead I attach a beach photo of Stu :-)