fredag 31 oktober 2008

Daylight saving on/off?

The little man has not adjusted to the "new" time. He keeps waking up 5:30.
It is pitch black at that time, he says himself that it is night, but going back to sleep....oh no!

The flowers....

Here comes the story as to why I was given flowers one day from Stuart....

Edwin had a dental appointment and we had decided that I would take him. Stuart per usual got up early and left for work. When I get up I see that the car is gone.
Luckily I had the company car at home as I had been in Halmstad the day before, but of course no car seat. So to Edwins delight he got to ride in the front seat of the car.
When I got to work I emailed Stuart and asked him if he "tänker med röven" (thinks with his ass) since he took the car.
That is why I got flowers from Röven (the ass).

söndag 19 oktober 2008

Impetigo, ear infection all in one week

Fun and games in the Fawcett household with a whole week with sick child, started of with upset stomach, on to ear infection and finally impetigo.
The red sore around his mouth is impetigo, luckily looks worse than it feels as he is not complaining too much about it.

måndag 13 oktober 2008

Farfar visited!

Last weekend we had Tim and Caroline for a visit.

We spent saturday morning at museum of natural history.

onsdag 1 oktober 2008

Suck up!

Ask Stu why he bought me flowers........