torsdag 30 juli 2009

Family outing

First family outing today. We took a walk to Slätta Damm and fed the ducks.

onsdag 29 juli 2009

Keep watching this space.....

for news about name.
We'll put it on the blogg as soon as we have agreed - which will most likely take a lot of time!

lördag 18 juli 2009


Totally forgot to take the before photos of wall by stairs, but stay tuned for some smokin' after photos.............

fredag 17 juli 2009


A gin&tonic would be nice right about now.

onsdag 15 juli 2009

tisdag 14 juli 2009

High = Shark - according to Edwin!

The Swedish and English languages are creating some confusion when Edwin is on the swing.

When he wanted to go high he used to say "big high", but now he has learnt the word for shark in Swedish which is "haj" and pronounced just like "high". So now when he wants to go high he says "big shark".........

torsdag 9 juli 2009

The worlds best neighbor!!!!

We have the worlds best neighbor!
This week I have been home with Edwin while Stuart has worked his last week before vacation. Edwin has been next door every afternoon so I have had a chance to rest and today they baked cinnamon buns and Edwin got a doggy bag with him home for mamma and pappa!

Thank you neighbor - you are the best.

Sjöfartsmuseet - Maritime museum

We ended up going to the Maritime museum today. The displays and aquariums were a bit too high so I had to lift Edwin so he could see - not so child friendly!
No plans for tomorrow - it is raining so we are just going to stay home and go jumping in puddles! Which is better than any expensive activity in Edwins world.

What to do today?

Another day to activate the little one......
Can't wait until next week when Stuart starts his vacation!

lördag 4 juli 2009

I am about to give up.....

This heat is killing me! I can't deny it anymore - I want a rainy day!!!!

onsdag 1 juli 2009

And today has been a good day......

With the ability to rest. Still feet and hands are swollen like balloons.....

Did I say that I wanted this to be over?