Well, the timing could be better, Edwin has a blocked nose and is a bit under the weather...how typical, just a few days before we are going on vacation!
He still managed to go look at the planes which are here for the aero-show.
Tuesday night and final night of "Familyday at Flunsåsparken". It is an outdoor event, where they invite celebrities and they perform. This week it was the final show and among other there was Zhilla and Totte, a young girl ventralaquist (spelling?) with her monkey - Totte.
Edwin couldn't believe it when Totte started to sing his favorit song "lilla snigel" (little snail).
3 more days of work then we are of to Croatia :-))
In just over a weeks time we fly to Croatia. Here is Edwin trying on a "robe" which we bought this summer. The picture is from July, that is why his hair is so long.
Beautiful blue sky today, we took a long walk this morning and now getting ready to have lunch.
Was at our friends wedding yesterday. It was a beautiful day with a lovely ceremony in a small church. The food was excellent....again, same mistake as friday evening - we ate too much!
The little man is not so interested in sleeping. When he knows it is time for a nap or bedtime he declares "not sleeping". Yesterday he fell asleep before finishing his first book.
He is with his girls this weekend, what a luxury for us. Last night we went out for dinner at a nice Turkish restaurant where we ate too much. Then we went to the movies and saw "Mama Mia", what a cute movie. We walked out smiling and happy. Now we are off to a wedding.