We had one day to ourselves and went canoe paddling for the day (sorry no pictures of this event) and in the evening we went into town for a nice meal. We finished the evening on the deck with a bottle of wine.
Finally we got some sunshine and have spent the last 2 days at the beach. Today Edwin made a little friend who had caught lots of crabs and Edwin got to hold one of them, see photo. More sunshine expected the next few days so no other plans but to soak it up and cool of in the ocean.
Here are the pictures of the house, on the bedroom windows we have put awnings. What a difference it does to the inside temperature!!!
On the front, we have had the bit of grass paved and Stu has put up a fence. Now we just have to plant some climbing plants that will spread out over the wire.
I am on vacation. Have spent today at the beach and when Stuart got home we had a barbeque. Unfortunately we are in for some colder weather the next few days, but maybe that is good for my sore throat.