tisdag 25 december 2007

Off to Skåne!

Tomorrow we are off to Skåne. Edwin is better and we must get out of the house before we go nuts! Attached are some photos of Edwin and some of his gifts.

fredag 21 december 2007

My little boy is really sick!

Poor little Edwin, he managed to go to day care 2 days before getting sick again. Today he has had a fever of 40,1 degrees. My little baby is burning up.....

Picture is from earlier this week when he was well.

söndag 9 december 2007

Where does the weekend disappear???

Already Sunday evening again. Another working week ahead of us.

tisdag 4 december 2007

Baking "lussebullar"

Today we baked "lussebullar". Edwin is home with an ear infection, but feeling much better, so off to day care tomorrow.